At Ryders Green, we strive to give every child, every opportunity, at their one chance in primary school.

All pupils are entitled to receive RE as part of a broad and balanced curriculum at school which promotes their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our Religious Education scheme of work meets the requirements of the Sandwell Agreed Syllabus and it will –

  • develop an awareness of spiritual and moral issues in life experiences;
  • develop knowledge and understanding of major world religions and value systems found in Britain;
  • develop an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition;
  • reflect on the children’s own experiences and to develop a personal response to the fundamental questions of life;
  • develop an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate the cultural differences in Britain today;
  • develop investigative and research skills and to enable them to make  reasoned judgements about religious issues;
  • show the children how to have respect for other peoples’ views and to celebrate the diversity in society;
  • promote the children’s own involvement in their own religion.

The units of work will educate the children, teaching them and delving into many religions such as – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism.  The units covered for each year group are-

      Early Years Stage 

Early Years Stage

While the statutory requirement for RE does not extend to children under
compulsory school age, it can form a valuable part of the educational
experience of children in the EYFS. It can contribute particularly to
– personal, social and emotional development
– communication, language and literacy
– knowledge and understanding of the world
– creative development.