Across school we really see the benefit of Online Learning as part of your child’s homework. Children have access to a wide range of carefully selected learning applications to help support and further enhance their educational experience at Ryders Green.
Please read on below to find out about all the different learning applications and how you can use them at home.
Autumn Term 2023 Home Learning
What is Bug Club?
Bug Club brings together over 500 levelled books with interactive eBooks that the children can have access to on a device. Their teacher will carefully allocate books to individual pupils and the children can enjoy these to read at home or in school. All children in school have access to the reading adventure on Bug Club. Bug Club texts are set in addition to their home reading book as part of their home reading provision from school.
What does this mean for my child’s learning?
Your child will have access to books selected by their teacher, anytime, anywhere, as long as they have access to a device. There is a huge range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry which helps the children to be engaged and develop a love of reading. When looking through you might spot a few well-know characters from TV and films.
Accessing Bug Club
ActiveLearn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk)
Pupils will have been allocated their own username and password by their teacher. You will need this plus our school code which is 9qsc and then you will be all set to start enjoying the books available.
What is CENTURY?
CENTURY is an online learning tool for students. For all pupils in KS2, their English, Maths and Science homework will be allocated through Century Tech. It combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience.
The platform identifies every student’s strengths, gaps in knowledge and misconceptions. Students can log in and complete work that has been suggested for them by the advanced recommendation engine, or work which has been set by teachers.
It allows students to take control of their own learning and for teachers to get real-time data on progress, allowing them to quickly identify which students need support or additional challenge.
What does this mean for my child’s learning?
CENTURY will work with the teaching that your child receives in school. Your child’s class teacher will use CENTURY within the classroom and it will be the way to access home learning for Years 3-6. Children will have access to devices in school to log into CENTURY if they struggle to do this at home.
Accessing CENTURY
Students are able to access CENTURY at any time and anywhere. It is available to them in school and also at home. All they need to do is visit the CENTURY website and enter their unique login details. Their login details will have been given to them by their teacher.
The platform can be accessed from tablets and laptops on up-to-date versions of most common browsers. The best browsers are Chrome on PCs and Android devices and Safari on iPads.
What is Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)?
TTRS is a fun and engaging way for the children to refine their times table skills. Working through games they can access on laptops or an app, they are able to practice all their times tables.
What does this mean for my child’s learning?
TTRS is an online program which has proven success. Through engaging with the activities for as little as three minutes a day, it will result in quick progress for the children. It helps them become fluent in their multiplication tables, and related division facts. This underpins the learning in maths and allows them to feel more confident in approaching more complicated areas of the mathematics curriculum.
Accessing TTRS
Pupils will have been provided with a username and password/pin by their class teachers. Children need to simply access the TTRS app or the website below and enter in their details and they are good to go!
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
What is Spelling Shed?
‘Spelling Shed’ is our spelling curriculum that is followed by the pupils in school. The words are all year group specific and follow letter and sound patterns. The word lists allow children to learn spellings whilst following the national curriculum.
What does this mean for my child’s learning?
Whilst at school, your child is being exposed to new words all the time. We are keen to build up an extensive vocabulary for all our pupils. A large vocabulary is an important part of writing fluency. Spelling needs to be actively taught, it cannot just be something that is tested in school each week. Spelling Shed will allow the children to build on their spelling knowledge at home.
Accessing Spelling Shed
Pupils will have been provided with a username and password from their class teacher. You can access Spelling Shed here. For further support, download the parent guide below.
Remote Learning
In some cases, remote learning will be used to provide access to education in the case where your child is absent from school. This is on a case-by-case basis and will be in discussion with school.
Oak National Academy
The work can be accessed from Oak National Academy (thenational.academy) .
Flash Academy