At Ryders Green Primary School, we deliver our PSHE/RSHE through a programme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a complete scheme of work for PSHE covering the entire RSHE curriculum for primary children 4 – 11. Jigsaw’s philosophy is about inclusion and valuing all children. It prepares children for adult life, enabling them to become responsible, healthy and independent members of society. The scheme enables the children to understand how they are developing personally and socially and will provide the children with the opportunity to explore their rights and responsibilities and learn how to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are all part of growing up. Our children are given the opportunity to take responsibility and appreciate what it means to be a member of such a diverse society. This opportunity is promoted in all the subjects across our curriculum encouraging the children to take on a positive attitude towards their learning, thus preparing them for all the life challenges in the future.
· To help all children develop an understanding of how to build respectful relationships with others and how to keep themselves safe and healthy as they grow.
· To enable children to learn about their own self-worth and build a positive self-esteem and the impact this has on their lives.
· To develop children’s knowledge and understanding of their rights and responsibilities within society and our lives today.
· To give our children a voice with what decisions are made in school – KS1 library, KS2 playground.
· To develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of developing into respectful members of society.
· To make links with other subjects of the curriculum where appropriate and relevant.
There are 6 topics that are covered over the year, one for each half term-
1. Being Me in My World – Children will learn about self-identity, group identity, responsibilities consequences and teamwork.
2. Celebrating Differences – Children will learn about similarity and difference, bullying, stereotyping, racism, discrimination and celebrating differences and individuality.
3. Dreams and Goals – Children will learn about aspirations, goals, challenges, teamwork, resilience, jobs, careers and simple budgeting.
4. Healthy Me – Children will learn about drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices.
5. Relationships – Children will learn about friendship, family and other relationships, conflict, resolution, communication, loss and bereavement.
6. Changing Me – Children will learn about coping positively with change, puberty, environmental and life cycles (including human reproduction).
RSHE will be taught and learnt in an interesting and enjoyable manner, through using the Jigsaw Charter and the characters that are in every class. It will have a presence in the ethos of the school through music and drama. All stakeholders in the school community will be encouraged to support the teaching and learning of RSHE. Pupils will develop an understanding and respect for their family, teachers, peers and anyone they come into contact with throughout their life. They will grow in confident, independent and responsible adults, ready to face the world as they move onto their next milestone of starting secondary school, when they leave us.
The contents of this prospectus will give you the information about the organisation and structure of our school, together with the broad aims of the curriculum.