Pupils’ needs are discussed with parents on or prior to admission and the school will make arrangements to ensure these can be met. This may include liaising with previous schools or allocating resources to pupils.
All pupils are regularly assessed for progress within their phase of the school. Teachers assess pupil’s levels every half term and submit data which is scrutinised by the leadership team. Any pupil who is not achieving the expected levels for their age will be identified and if appropriate maybe placed on an intervention to close the gap. This is called Wave 2. The class teacher will explain the intervention to the parents. A summary of the interventions is found below. The SENDCO will place the child’s name on a provision map.
If a class teacher is concerned about a child’s progress they will talk to the parents as soon as possible and together a plan will be put into place so that home and school can work together.
If the gap is not closed the class teacher, supported by the SENDCO, will explain the next level of support and the child’s name may be placed on the schools register of Special Educational needs. Parents may be asked for permission to consult with specialist agencies such as Inclusion Support who support the school with a team of Educational Psychologist and specialist teachers for learning, emotional and communication difficulties. Inclusion Support can be contacted at Connor Road Centre, West Bromwich , or on 0121 569 2777.
Parents will be consulted at every stage and informed of all assessments and their outcomes and what they can do to help.
At all stages we will ask both children and parents for their views.
All pupils with SEN are included in every aspect of the curriculum with their class. They may have support within the class from a Teaching Assistant (TA) or be withdrawn for short periods to receive direct teaching from a teacher or TA. We will always explain an intervention to parents.
All interventions are overseen by the SENDCO. The impact will be assessed every term and parents invited to discuss progress with the class teacher. Some interventions are assessed nationally.
Our intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. You can read more about the local offer on https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/send
At Ryders Green Primary school, we believe that every child deserves the best at all times. We recognise that children can struggle and some will need support for a short time, others may need ongoing support to help them to achieve their potential.
For children who are working well below the expected for their age, the school may use some elements of the Orchard school curriculum to ensure that every child is making progress. Some children may need the curriculum to be adapted to enable them to access and school will check that the needs of every child is met on an individual basis to meet unique needs.
The school offers clubs and activities outside school hours which all pupil can access, and has close links with other agencies, such as Greets Green Children’s Centre, which offers activities in the holidays. We are currently working with Aspire sport and One Albion to offer disability sport and specialist programmes for coordination needs.
The coordinator for Special Educational Needs is Paula Edmondson, contactable through the main school office.
Staff at Ryders Green have a wide variety of skills and training to meet needs of pupils with a range of learning, social and emotional needs. When needed, additional training or equipment is procured as needs arise. This is funded from the additional needs allocation in the main school budget, supported by Pupil premium and, in specific cases, the local authority through an Education, Health and Care Plan.
The school is a close working partner with other agencies and aims to offer help to all families and children at the earliest level. Regular meetings are arranged with the school nurse and the school is a route for parents to access a wide range of help and support. The parent support advisor works alongside staff to enable us to match the correct help to needs of our families.
We recognise that all transitions can cause anxiety for children with SEN and their parents. We ensure that transitions through different phases of the school are planned and supported so that they can be successful, and work with secondary schools to produce bespoke plans for pupils to meet their needs.
Sandwell SEND Information and Advice Support Service offers free, confidential advice for all parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs in Sandwell.
Sandwell SEND Information and Advice Support Service
Cape Hill Children’s Centre
Corbett Street
B66 3PX
Telephone – 0121 555 1821
Manjit Riat
Assistant Senco: Kuljinder Chahal
0121 553 0658
Any complaint should in the first instance be addressed to the Head Teacher.
Below is a summary of the provision that the school currently offers.
Ryders Green Whole School Provision Map |
Area of Need | Wave 1
Whole school |
Wave 2/3
Additional Support |
Wave 3 |
Cognition and learning |
Communication and Interaction |
Emotional, mental health and Social
Sensory and Physical |