At Ryders Green, we are able to provide a rich and varied music offer to all of our pupils. All children at our school are able to enjoy whole class music lessons, options to take elective lessons as they move through schools and come together and learn an instrument in our after-school club provision. The best thing about all of our music provision at Ryders Green is that it is all FREE! Children have access to around 5 hours of music teaching a week at no cost.

Our Music Provision

Curriculum Offer

Our KS1 pupils enjoy music lessons as part of their curriculum offer, this ranges from singing, exploring rhythm and patterns in music. As pupils progress through the school they then have the experience of brass and string instruments as part of our curriculum offer. All pupils in Year 3 enjoy a weekly lesson learning to play the trumpet. Our Year 4 children enjoy violin lessons, these are delivered fortnightly to the pupils in school. Year 5 have a weekly lesson learning to play the ukulele.

After School Club Offer

We also then have a diverse range of after-school clubs that support the curriculum offer at Ryders Green.

Monday – Drumming Club – Year 4

Tuesday – Brass Band – Elective Musicians

Tuesday – Ukulele – Year 4,5 and 6

Tuesday – Recorders – Year 2

Wednesday – Violins – Year 3 and 4

Wednesday – Choir – Year 4, 5 and 6

Thursday – Rhythm Club – Reception and Year 1

Elective Lessons

At Ryders Green, children have access to the whole class teaching of a wide variety of instruments, and also the after school clubs gives them a chance to try even more or come together in ensembles. We also offer children the opportunity to take up elective lessons, which are either 1:1 or small group music lessons. These are provided by SIPS musicians. The children will develop their skills and work towards gradings in the variety of instruments.

Currently, we have children enjoying elective lessons in drumming, violins, cello and a wide variety of brass instruments including trumpets and tenor horns.

Our Music Links

We are very proud of our strong links with SIPS Music Education. They help support hundreds of pupils in our school, through curriculum lessons, elective lessons and a wide variety of after school clubs.

Ryders Green have also established a link with the CBSO, providing concerts and creative programs to our pupils in school.

We look to provide children to engage with musical experiences as part of their journey at Ryders Green. Children have the opportunity to perform as part of large choirs at singing events at Shireland CBSO School, and also at Young Voices at the BP Pulse Arena. We also attend music concerts for the children to enjoy a range of musical talents at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham City Centre.

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra in 2019-20 – Seen and Heard  International
SIPS Education Logo
Young Voices