School Comms – Parents guide to School Gateway App
From 20th September 2021, you will need to book and pay for breakfast club online using the app below or if you are unable to download the app then you can login on the website https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/register
Please note, places are limited and only confirmed once payment has been made. If you need to cancel a session, you can do so within the app.
We are no longer taking any cash payments in school, therefore please download the app and register your details. You will need to ensure you enter the contact number and email you have provided to the school to received a ‘Pin Number’.
To setup ‘School Comms Gateway App, click on the link below to download the instructions and for further help there are a number of videos to help you.
Any problems, please contact the school office or email ict@rydersgreen.sandwell.sch.uk
SIMS Parent Lite app provides parents a simple way to update and manage their information accurately and securely.
Easy access to important school information
You can access the system from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere.
Getting Started:
Please note that your activation email is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else. If you require an additional login then please contact the school.
Your activation email will expire after 14 days if it is not used, please contact the school if you require a replacement after this date.